Tag Archives: travel

Dude, Where’s my Milk?

And my beer, my port, my bacon, my tomato sauce and my iPhone cable?

So we wake up this morning and I roll out of bed to make the clan some tea. Please note this is not just some tea, this is Imfrikkinstarvingwherethehellsmytea kinda tea. I open up the fridge (eski to Australians) and stare into it for a good 15 seconds. Then I look around the kitchen area and the back of the trailer. Then I ask “Babe, where’d you put the milk?”, to which the answer came back “In the fridge” “Are you sure?” “Yes!” So I stare at the fridge again half expecting miracles to happen, half bemused. “It’s not there. And by the way, there’s no much else it here for that matter either”

Penny drops. Eventually (Hey, it was early and it was a disruptive night, I was tired). Someone bastard had decided to help themselves to a few goodies during the night while we slept not 3 feet away. And they must have been shopping too as a number of our neighbours in the caravan park also had a few things missing out of their fridges/eskis.

My guess is that a few “young people” (really what is this world coming to these days) had been out on the piss/weed, got the munchies and decided that a late night shopping trip through the camp site was just what they needed. The local Woolies was closed at that time anyhow. That’s the limit of my speculation.

I’m really in two minds about this whole incident. On one hand stealing is stealing, no matter what it is and it should not be tolerated. Which is why I guess the the local Sergeant took it very seriously and got statements from all the ‘victims’ as well as questioning a lot of the youth that was out and about at the time. It’s also not great press for the caravan park. If word gets out (yeah, I’m not help much am I?) then there could be a decline in the number of visitors to the camp site. And this town needs as much tourism as it can get – it is still rebuilding after the horrific fires of 2009.

On the other hand, it was a few items of food and drink. Nothing of value was touched and there was plenty around I can assure you. In fact, the iPhone cable that was taken was attached to an iPhone at the time – they left the phone. They even left me a couple of beers. No one was hurt (except for my daughter who had to wait nearly 30 mins for her tea). So it wasn’t really a big deal. I was more just shocked that I couldn’t have my tea ….

The one thing I find interesting is that this type of thing has never happened around here before, Or so I am told. I’ve been camping in many places, in many countries, and have never had anything go missing at all. Until now. I’m going to chalk this one up to experience and count my blessings that nothing of value was taken (insurance would never have paid out for that). Next time we shall be more careful of what we leave lying around.

To those who helped themselves; I hope the bacon was as good as I imagined it would be. Don’t try it again. I’m ready this time.


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Erecting the Tent. A Time Lapse.

A quick video of us setting up the extra large tent:



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Creating memories one camping trip at a time

Hi and welcome to the [yet another] new blog. This one will focus on the awesome trips that we will be taking in and around Australia. First up is an intro.

We’ve been camping many times before, so getting out into the bush is not a foreign concept. We have also acquired a fairly large amount of “necessary” gear to make the experience as pleasant as possible. However, the majority of our camping trips were done pre-kids; and that means not having to worry about anyone other than yourselves and the set-up and breaking of camp is a relatively straight forward affair.

Now that we have kids, a pigeon pair currently 3.5yrs & 1.5yrs, things have changed. We have still been on a few trips, but only with other people. We found the whole experience quite exhausting and had it only been the 4 of us I think we would have struggled a bit. Add to that the unpredictability of the Victorian weather and you are sure to have some fun times<end sarcasm>.

On one of the most recent trips (to Barwon heads) our friends had their new Tambo Cooper out for the first time. we had our family tent. It poured with rain the whole weekend and was blowing a gale – not ideal. However, we spent a lot of the time under the Cooper’s awning and everything was great. Rain, wind & cold, didn’t really bother us. That’s when we decided that we had to make a change, especially if we were going to get out and see this beautiful country called Australia.

So after much deliberation and research we decided that we are going to take the plunge and buy ourselves on of those awesome camper trailers that we have seen so much of lately. We read about them online and even went to the Caravan and Camping show held at Caulfield race course; where our minds were boggled at the choice one has for outdoor vehicles and gear.

The Tambo Cooper

We ended up choosing a Tambo Cooper XT from the wonderful people over at Tambo Campers. We had an 8 week wait time and that seemed to take a lifetime!

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Posted by on May 15, 2012 in Camper Trailers


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